Here's the person behind it all, she took the time to get to know me to do it. She asked me alot of odd questions, I got suspicious when she started asking me about how I let my close friends borrow my top hat and wings sometimes. She asked who I lent them to, if they were member or nm, and if I trusted them with the items.
Here's the fake account she made after telling her I let my brother Redleaf, sup2226, borrow my nm wings all the time. She came on, said hi and everything, and asked if they could borrow the nm wings and my top hat, it was then I started laughing.
Here were my first clues:
1. Redleaf doesn't call me sis like she did.
2. He doesn't borrow my top hats, only my wings
3. Redleaf left the day before for a month long vacation
4. He didn't know his own or my, warrior names. (See picture below)
5. This account knew everything that I had told OxWolfxO minutes before, which was very limited due to my suspicions.
These were taken from the actual coversation that happened between: OrcaLvr, sup2226isback, and jdwood2.
This conversation happened shortly after I told the fake acc. I wasn't falling for it because OxWolfxO had deleted me. She logged on and we had this discussion, she ADMITTED to her attempt at scamming, and then lied about quitting. Watch for OxWolfxO! She's a very tricky person, so don't loan any rares unless it's to the ORIGINAL account. Another tip, learn your friends!
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