Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Drawing Lost to Flames.

Tonight, after watching Legend of the Guardians; The Owls of Gahoole
I drew my own Guardian.

I thought it was pretty good for a first owl..
but my mom thought otherwise.

She's usually a nice person,
but today we weren't getting along.

I showed her my finished picture, and this is what she said:
"Its not your best, this is why you need art classes because
you'll never get good at drawing owls till you do. I don't like it."

Thanks Mom.

Filled with anger and disappointment.
I ripped the drawing from the pages of my third Drawing Pad,
threw it into the fireplace,
grabbed some matches,
and set it on fire.

I am sorry I didn't get to post this one,
I, myself, was proud of it.

but my blind rage got the better of me,
and now you'll never get to see it.

New Cryptids on the Drawings Page.


  1. :( I would've liked to see your owl. I like your little poem on the end and the Cryptids drawing :) How was the movie?

  2. Your pictures are amazing. I can't describe how amazing they are. They're beyond epic. The cryptids drawing is incredible how you shaded it and everything, and I'm sure your guardian owl was just as amazing. I don't know why your mom said that about your picture. I believe that as long as you are proud of your art, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. That cryptids picture is seriously amazing. Believe in your art, it is awesome.
    From Nightstar1
