Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Since my Blogger refuses to make a new poll.
I'm going to make a mini one right here.

     What Should I Draw More?
 1. Wolves. Dogs. Cats.
              2. Horses. Pegasus. Unicorns.
                    3. Dragons. Cryptids. Monsters.
  4. How-To Videos.

For anyone that might not know what a cryptid is, a cryptid is a creature that has yet to be proven real or fake, such as the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and the Jersey Devil.

and How-To Videos, I'd explain how I construct my drawings and even show how you to can draw some of my things. Tips and Pointers will be given on how to draw different things. If you do want a How-To, simply leave the name of the drawing you'd like me to show how to draw, or if you'd like me to draw something new. Videos may be cut into parts.

How-To Video, "Jersey Devil"
How-To Video, A dog.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Drawing Lost to Flames.

Tonight, after watching Legend of the Guardians; The Owls of Gahoole
I drew my own Guardian.

I thought it was pretty good for a first owl..
but my mom thought otherwise.

She's usually a nice person,
but today we weren't getting along.

I showed her my finished picture, and this is what she said:
"Its not your best, this is why you need art classes because
you'll never get good at drawing owls till you do. I don't like it."

Thanks Mom.

Filled with anger and disappointment.
I ripped the drawing from the pages of my third Drawing Pad,
threw it into the fireplace,
grabbed some matches,
and set it on fire.

I am sorry I didn't get to post this one,
I, myself, was proud of it.

but my blind rage got the better of me,
and now you'll never get to see it.

New Cryptids on the Drawings Page.

Monday, August 6, 2012

*Important Post*

I just need to let you guys know that..
Everyone can comment now!

You can comment as anonymous.
But please state your Username/Real name so I can know who you are.

Now everyone can

Post Comments
Leave Art Requests.

Check the Drawings Page! New drawings are posted all the time!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Den Design Contest!

I decided to enter the Den Design Contest for Animal Jam and heres what I turned up with . . .

I wanted to have an underground den with lots of chambers and passageways. Of course I hit some trouble thinking of the giraffe and realized, I can make a giant version. I made this on the old paint, not the new MS paint. Notice the little OrcaLvr name in the corner of the grass edging the dirt near the bottom.

Click Picture to Enlarge.

Like the new Signature/Logo?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Turtles Have Arrived!

Yes Jammers, Turtles are finally here!

There's a new Pets Only Party, so once again another members only party. You can adopt and play games with your pet there and even get RARE ACCESSORIES for your pets!

AJHQ must be running out of ideas for things, so heres another contest. This time for a den! Of course I'm going to enter.

Another sale going on at the Carnival along with 2 new costumes in the Costume Corner.

Random Last Page.

Here's the banner for the Pets Only Party, cant wait to go.

Two more shamans were named, Marco the Penguin Shaman and Amelia the Fox Shaman, the poor giraffe is stull unnamed. Also a new awesome item called a Zios Fountain was released! I took this picture AFTER buying one.

Here's the action the turtle pet does when you click on it.

The turtle pet also sits after a couple seconds of not moving.

After that, it falls asleep!

Here's my fox with my turtle pet, pretty scary isn't he? o.o

There's also a new cursor that appears when you play Animal Jam! It's a little pointed stone attached to a rock, how neat.

Echosong's Journey Update

Some of you read the story of my clan character Echosong, it's been hard to keep up with writing as fast as you'd like me to since I can't keep up with real time. I'd like to work on my story in the next few days, catching up for the time that's been lost. In Echosong's Journey, Echo WILL die, not on Animal Jam, just in the story. I wont say how yet, but I'll be sure to make it eventful :)
Thanks for reading.. Orcalvr

I've Become a Brony

I've become a Brony my friends, here is my lil pony. No idea what to call her.

I drew Discord.. another act of.. Broniness

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

German Treats :O

I found some German Treats in my fridge, so I ated them. It scares me that I'm eating a poor little boy holding a picnic basket, eating that same cookie.

Golden Phantoms!

August's Monthly Member Gift are Golden Phantoms! There are 4 different types of Golden Phantoms. I really like this Monthly Member gift, they're super cool!